
💙Sirius Feminine Christ Star Galactic Sound Codes Transmission/528 Hz Ancient solfeggio Frequencies


Angelic beings channel Harmonic healing language of the Angels singing Planetary frequency message of light codes of awakening of ascension ~ Higher Dimension stellar activations of your Divine Original Blueprint from the Holy Power of the Planets


💗🌹 "Shekina is a transformer of energy, a healer using music sound codes harmonics, ushering in music from heaven and the higher realms through divine transmission. She sings au naturel in the ancient whole solfeggio scale of pure tones, awakening, aligning and balancing the body’s energy fields, and can assist in attuning one to their own vibrational frequency and connection to Source and the angels.”

Science has analyzed the voice of Shekina Rose and verified that her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love "(Solfeggio)", Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of Creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet.

Many who experience her songs and vocal transmissions report having instant Healings and Awakenings and feel the Blessing of Divine Mother Goddess Shekinah and the Angelic Realms.

💙Hear more of the Miracle Frequencies Language of Light transmissions on spotify streaming and download 💓Here https://open.spotify.com/artist/1antk...

💙Sedona Star Angel & Sacred appointment soul readings & Galactic star origins https://shekinarose.com/store


*💓Sedona AZ, two-day Sisters of the Rose~Sisters of Light event and workshop feast day of Mary Magdalene celebration July 22nd & 23rd Various light languages will be performed to activate you through your DNA at a cellular level and align you with the new vibration. These activations, healings and initiations unlock and awaken the goddess within you, to reclaim your power and the divine magic that you already embody within your soul. https://keleenamalnar.com/upcoming-ev...
💙Soul FEST in Sedona, Arizona, May 28-30, 2021 3 days and one day passes of conference presentations, live music and soulful activities. Join Todd Medina and friends for an immersive experience with numerous presentations, live music, inspiring activities and conscious community. Enjoy the powerful red rock vortex energy and raise your vibration with activations and soulful interactions. http://soulogyfest.com/

#Siriusmusic #angelicmusic #FeminineChrist #AncientsolfeggioFrequencies #528Hz

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