
Blossom Goodchild: BEST OF FEDERATION OF LIGHT - Volume 1

A beautiful surprize! A wonderful new video (Co-Produced by Joe Pena and Angel A.) was sent to me by Joe. This is a compilation of extracts from various channelings published over the years and set to music. Either to listen to in meditation or whilst pottering around the house, or driving in your car!! Brilliant work ... I feel so Blessed!

Thank you so much Joe & Angel A. If you enjoy it, please Like and Share this video.

A neat reminder too, there is an mp3 available 'THE BRIDGE' ... which offers the same concept of words and music. https://blossomgoodchild.com/shop/

Thank You for your Support! Joe's PAYPAL should you desire to donate is https://PayPal.me/JoeTheProducer

I Am The Light. I Am The Love. I Am The Truth. I Am.

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