
396Hz | Let Go Of Anxiety | Overcome Fear | Heal Root Chakra

396Hz | Let Go Of Anxiety | Overcome Fear | Heal Root Chakra

Many of you requested longer version of this track that we created 2 years back. So here it is. Hope this will help.

Soft Musical Sounds generated from Water Droplets and Water passing through a musical pipe to create this sound track. This one is tuned to 396Hz solfeggio frequency. The Frequency associated with Root Chakra also. The music tuned to this frequency helps in removing subconscious fears, worries and anxiety. This helps in activating the Root Chakra Energy center and unblocking this fundamental energy center, thus allowing it to flow freely. When the root chakra unblocks, you will also experience good physical energy and a sense of security. Away from Worries and Anxiety. Hope this music will help. :)

Infinite Love and Gratitude.

🌙 Meditate, Heal and Energise your day. 💾 Save our Frequency Healing Playlist → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

⬖ Credits ⬖ Music : @Dilpreet Bhatia ⓒ ℗ 2021 @Meditative Mind . All Rights Reserved. Audio for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling, synchronization not permitted.

#MeditativeMind #396Hz #HealingFrequencies

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